Saturday, February 25, 2012

Howdy Ya'll!

This is the first post for the Eagle Creek Pioneers. Though we may not live in the wide open spaces of the Wild West and quite specifically we inhabit what most people would call "suburbia", we still have a longing to live off of the land like our ancestors did.

Our first task on the list is to gear up for the upcoming planting season for our backyard garden. We have been reading farming and harvesting books, and are getting ready to plant our seeds in starter pots indoors to help them along before transferring them to the unpredictable climate of the outdoors. We can't wait to plant our early spring vegetables in a few weeks. We will keep you updated with pictures and on all the progress we are making in the upcoming weeks.

Stay tuned!

Since we can't yet post any pictures of our gardening attempts, here are some photos from our recent trip out west.

Last summer, we went on vacation to the Grand Tetons in Wyoming. We fell in love with all of the natural beauty and bounty the land had to offer. This is a picture of us horseback riding by Colter Bay.

Here is a photo of some wild huckleberries that Nate harvested while backpacking near Phelps Lake.  They were so delicious.  You can make these into almost any dish you would make from other berries, such as homemade jams, pancakes, syrup, candy, or whatever else sounds good to you.

Nathan is an avid adventurer.  He loves anything and everything outdoors.  Here is a picture of him taking a rest while backpacking near Death Canyon.

While I like the outdoors, I am not as hard core as Nathan.  Here is a picture of me at Jackson Lake Lodge, happy and safe after a grizzly bear came into our camp while backpacking.  I was very happy to be closer to civilization.

One last shot of the mountains before we headed home.  This is a picture of Mount Moran at Lookout point.

This trip has given us so much inspiration, and we hope to share many future inspirations to come.